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La Farge Free Methodist Church
911 Community Remembrance Service

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911 Community Remembrance Service

Posted on Thu, Sep 1, 2011


Ten years ago on the morning of September 11th everything changed for the people of the United States of America. We live differently in our nation, our community’s & our families. The destruction on that day brought higher security in our day to day life. It took young men & women from our community going to war. It even gave us a sense of wonder when it could happen again.

On Sunday, September 11th, a community remembrance service will be held for those we have lost & those that serve our community & nation everyday. All the events of the day will be held at the new La Farge Emergency Services Center on South Cherry Street. This event is comprised of several community groups that work to make our community a better place to live. If 911 taught us anything it should have been that we need to get back to giving rather than always on the receiving line.

The days events will start with church services at 10:00am led by the Free Methodist Church. At 11:00am a free will dinner will be offered with all the proceeds raised going to the Veteran’s Memorial. During that time also will be your chance to purchase raffle tickets & bid on silent auction items. Games will be available for the kids. The Crafty Cookers will also be selling bricks & tiles that you can purchase to personalize or to remember someone for the Memorial.

The Remembrance Service will begin at 1:00pm with speakers from the Fire,EMS & Police Departments. Prayer will be delivered by Pastor Mark Phillips. The La Farge VFW will be represented with a gun salute and taps being played. Miss Independence Emily Larson and Little Miss McKinsey Biermann will lead us in the Pledge of Alliegence.

If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction or give a donation for the memorial then contact Dawn Parr at the La Farge State Bank. Come and join us in the reverence of the day & to stand together as a community and a nation to say we are still strong. 

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