It is always a busy time of the year for our church when Christmas nears. But then again, where isn't it. We are busy decorating our trees and homes. We are busy with our gift list for our friends and family. It can also be a lonely time of year if we have lost someone.
We don't want anyone to be alone or without in this time of love and giving. We have many opportunities for you to share with us and the community.
One of those nights would be on Tuesday the 10th when we will have our Remembrance Service at 7:00pm. The Remembrance Service is for those having a difficult time with their first Christmas after losing a loved one this past year. Christmas can be a very sad time if we have lost a loved one and haven't gone through the grieving process completely. It is also for those that have lost loved ones maybe years ago and you just want to take the time to remember them and share what you miss about them. Bonita Dorschied will be leading the service. Bonita also leads our Grief Ministry on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
On the 18th & 19th we will be having our Food Pantry open. On these dates we will also have coats, hats and gloves available to give away. If you have "like new" or want to give a new coat to this night of giving then we have a drop off downtown at Country View Embroidery & Imprints.
Christmas Eve Services will be at 7:00pm. Randy Walker will be conducting the candle light service. Randy will be doing a presentation of all those involved in that glorious night that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was born.
Our Sunday worship services at 10:00am will get you primed for Christmas Day. Come and join us.